Welcome to the website home of your local independent library,
The Piha Community Library!
Established and serving the community since 1959.
Membership is available to all who live/own property in Piha, Karekare and Anawhata. You’ll find us in the heart of Piha village. All are welcome to read, rest, use the wifi, buy books or attend events. Membership includes a monthly email newsletter with all the latest arrivals, activities, and some book reviews.
Opening Hours
Saturday 10am-1pm
Sunday 10am-1pm
Monday 10am - 1pm
Wednesday 10am - 1pm
Thursday 3.30pm - 5.30pm (5pm winter)
CLOSED: Tuesdays, Fridays, & Public Holidays.
Contact Details
email: pihacommunitylibrary@gmail.com
ph 09 8128 545
19 Seaview Road, Piha, RD 2 New Lynn, 0772.
“Knitters Group”- meets every Monday @ 10:30 to socialise and produce knitted & crocheted items for the Give a Kid a Blanket charity.
“Midweek Mums”- an informal Coffee Group for parents & littlies, Wednesday mornings at 10:30
“Story time” - 3x a year, on a Saturday morning, stories & fun activities for children, all welcome 11am
Annual Matariki Family Kite Day- on the Sunday following the Matariki Public Holiday at North Piha Beach @ 10am. Kites for sale $5, proceeds support the library.
For news and events from the Best Little Library in the West, like the Piha Community Library Facebook page.
How Do I...?
Find the Library
Piha artist Shelley France and local children with their work on the Library mural. Opened in March 2017.